Seize the Davī

101 beds 17 nights

76,324 km

8 busses 11 trains 24 flights
slept in in tents

47,428 miles

 46h:23m 65h:13m 20 airline meals

We have created this site as a way for our friends and family to follow our adventures as we ‘Seize the Davī’. We will post stories, lessons learned, pictures, videos and more throughout our adventure.

If you are interested in learning more about our family, go to the “Who” section of the site.  Here you will find a short bio and eventually a way to look just at posts by that person.  If you are interested in learning more about a place we have been (or plan to go), then check out “Where“.  Here you will find a map of destinations and eventually a way to drill down to specific countries and/or cities.

Thanks for checking it out and if you want to be notified when we post something new, simply put your email address in the top left box.  Don’t worry…I will only sell you information for beer money!